Outgoing payment approvers are optional, and available on the Growth and Enterprise plans. 

Growth plan 

You may select one tier approval flow on the Growth Plan by assigning approver permissions to specific users. Apart from specifying the approver/s' permissions Moneybase will also require the the account owner to specify values defining the minimum to maximum range that the specific user/s can approve. 

Enterprise Plan

You may select a two tier approval flow on the Enterprise Plan by assigning approver permissions to multiple users. Apart from specifying the approver/s' permissions Moneybase will also require the account owner to specify maximum allowed value each specific user can approve. This allows you to customise approver limits for a specific range, and other approvers for higher ranges as required, thus creating a second tier approval level. 

Once the approval function is set up,  approver/s with the necessary permissions will be notified to log in to Moneybase and approve payments once these are created.

Kindy remember that:

  • A payment creator cannot approve his/her own transfer instruction; such instruction can be approved by any of the other approvers; and
  • A payment creator with a self-sign permission can authorise payments up to the specified self-sign limit without approval. If the self-sign limit is exceeded, the payment will need to be approved by another user with approver permissions